Monday, April 23, 2007

Washer/Dryer anyone?

Today I had a great conversation with a friend who said that his church provided a washer and dryer for his family, because his washer and dryer "clonked out" and they had no money to buy a new one. I know it seems like such a simple issue, but this is part of the reason that we tithe. If I become destitute and have nowhere to turn, the church should provide me with shelter, food, money, amenities to support me, until I could become able to support myself again. We like to call this the "practicality" of the gospel, but it is interesting, because through scholarship these idea's have taken shape and developed our new interest in living the incarnation of the gospel. It is funny, because every time that I give something to a poor person asking for money, drink, food, etc., they say, "God bless you!" Watch how many times someone says it, after something is given to them. This simply astonishes me because how it displays how present God is with people, "all people". God truly dwells with his people. As N.T. Wright says, 'when the parousia (the coming) of Christ returns to the earth, the veil, between where we thought heaven was located, will be pulled back, and we will realize that he was present on earth the whole time.' Heaven and earth in Hebrew overlap one another, therefore anything 'above the waters' is thought to be 'heaven', this means that unless you are scuba diving, we live above the waters. Interesting thought, Eh.

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