Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Jesus loves me, but he can't stand you!

If we boil it down, isn't that what we think, let's be honest!
Is the cross radical enough, or do I need something else?
This is an important question, because I believe that it should form and shape everything we think, then do. We as human beings are influenced easily, desiring to protect what is mine, maybe allowing others to some crumbs, but keeping the larger portions for myself. After all, God wants to bless me? Really, does he?
Will God bless anything that I do, simply because I do it? Isn't this recreating God in our image? There is a saying which goes, "God created us in his image, then we returned the favor."
The attitude of God bless us has profound ramifications, because first it creates an idea that whatever I do is God's will, secondly my will shapes God's will, not the vice-versa. We are supposed to be making disciples of Jesus, which means that a disciple follows Jesus, but where is Jesus going and what is Jesus doing? Well, Jesus is doing whatever I am doing? This is one of the reasons that we don't pray, because it really doesn't matter, because Jesus is blessing anything I do.
There was an argument recently involving the U.S. Government in saying that Chaplains could no longer pray in the name of Jesus, which incensed some Christians. Why would this affect Christians, I have no idea. The name of Jesus is not magic. First, the temple of God is not individual Christians, but the body of Christ himself. If we are brought into Christs body, what does this mean? It means that I as an individual make up a part, but not the whole of the body, therefore, I have to be participating with God, i.e. the body of Messiah to be doing, whatever it is that Christ is doing. If Christ is not fighting a war with Islam, then "I" as an individual believer have to make a decision to either participate with the structures and systems of the world, or participate with Christ, to redeem the structures and systems of the world, not through active participation with violence, but bearing the violence as the body of Christ, which will in the end bring liberation to the oppressed. I can not make Christ be whatever I want him to be.

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